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Sat, Mar 26



Nicola Galli | The world elsewhere: a nocturnal story

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Nicola Galli | The world elsewhere: a nocturnal story
Nicola Galli | The world elsewhere: a nocturnal story

Orario & Sede

Mar 26, 2022, 8:00 PM – 8:50 PM

Milan, Via Tertulliano, 68, 20137 Milan MI, Italy


Full ticket 16 €  

Reduced Under25 / Over65 12 €   

Event included in the Dance Card | programming Dance Card Ticket € 8 (10 tickets available)

The world elsewhere: a nocturnal storyis a choreographic creation in the form of a danced ritual, which celebrates the motion of an unexplored world according to a scenic logic. In tracing an ideal path between West and East, the work is freely inspired by the indigenous rituals of South America, by the symbols and traditions of Japanese Noh theater, and by the obsessive, in some ways mystical and eccentric musical research of the composer Giacinto I chose around the spherical idea of sound. The creation features a finely adorned shamanic figure to conduct a magical and timeless ceremony.


concept, choreography and dance: Nicola Galli  production: TIR Danza, stereopsis

co-production: MARCHE TEATRO / Inteatro Festival, Oriente Occidente

music: Giacinto Scelsi, 3/4 had been eliminated

masks and costumes: Nicola Galli

artistic residencies: DID Studio / Ariella Vidach, Tuscany Residence Center (Armunia - CapoTrave / Kilowatt), East West Studio_Passo Nord

with the support of: Rete Almagià

Venue of the show 

DanceHaus Susanna Beltrami 

Via Tertulliano 68, Milan

Info and reservations


+39 329 6005802


Access to the theater will be allowed only after checking the possession ofValid Enhanced Green Pass: if the user does not have one, he will not be able to access the Theater.

Please show up on site approx30 minutes before the start of the showto allow the Green Pass control and the purchase of the ticket.

During all phases of stay inside the Theater, each user will be obliged to constantly and correctly wear the protective mask for the nose and mouthFFP2.

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