with DANCEHAUS COMPANY, Davide Salvadori, Nicolò Castagni, Andrea Piras, Ilaria Malin
PRODUCTION DANCEHAUSpiù - production 2022
Project included in the platform, promoted by
A cry of a generation to man encroaching on the natural territory where the soul resides.
What emerges is a body that transcends toward community and collective harmony, to strive, but above all to live.
Litania is a performance in which two different entities live in opposition: on the one hand, the analytical and rational action that drives man toward the machinic form of things; and on the other, the emotional and sensitive drive of instinct.
In an encounter and struggle for supremacy, or surrender, a balance of the two sides is accomplished, in favor of a survival that does not elevate the victims but praises the perpetrators.