A project by

With the support of

In partnership with
Special thanks to
The Municipality 7 and the Councillor for Culture Manuel Sciurba for welcoming the initiative, for supporting us in its realisation and for putting us in contact with the realities of the neighbourhood.
The Municipality 4 and the Councillor for Culture Giacomo Perego for having followed our activities with interest and for having given space for a presentation of the Festival.
Thanks also to those who collaborated and enriched this project with their support
Think DJungle for giving a graphic identity to the Festival and all promotional materials.
Dynamo Camp for making the dance workshops even more inclusive with experts from Dynamo Recreational Therapy.
Il Diciotto for supporting us in the promotion with the first press publication of the event.
Croce Verde Baggio for providing medical assistance.
Alliance Park Project for welcoming us to Parco delle Cave and introducing us to the neighbourhood.
Shingetsu Vision for giving a customised outfit and style to all participants.
MOOD Water for supporting physical activity by giving us MOOD 100 bottles.
East Market for supporting us with promotion and for dressing the Festival theme song.

Artistic direction: Annamaria Onetti, Matteo Bittante, Susanna Beltrami
Production: Martina Smadelli
Promotion and communication: Sofia Magnani
Graphics: Alessandro Perini - ThinkDJungle
Press office: Studio Mongini
Work safety and green quality: Gianluca Belelli
External collaborator: Lorenzo Bartolotta Ferraiuolo
Service: Luca Zugnoni
Social Media: Daniele Paloni, Barbara Allegrezza
Artistic team DHHD: Alessia Radaelli, Andrea Piras, Angelo Anselmi, Erik Rossetto, Ilaria Malin
Photos: Alice Colombo
Videomaker: Salvatore Lazzaro